Vicolo Farm’s CSA

What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Traditionally, farmers who distribute their crops through a CSA ask their members to pay for a share of the harvest upfront prior to the harvest season beginning. In return, members typically receive a box of produce every week or every other week. This early payment is a big help for farmers to purchase much-needed supplies such as seed and soil ammendments. Through a CSA, members are directly supporting the farm but they are also sharing in the risks associated with farming. This means that some weeks may have smaller harvests while others may be larger depending on the season and other environmental factors that affect harvest quantities. CSA’s are great opportunities to build community by directly connecting community members with farmers and ultimately bringing people together through food.

Vicolo Farm’s summer/fall CSA runs from the first full week of June to the middle of November. Full share members will receive a box of around 8- 12 different vegetables and herbs every week for a total of 24 weeks. Half share members will receive a box of 8- 12 vegetables and herbs, only they will pick up their share every other week for a total of 12 weeks.

Pickup Sites

Shares will be ready for pickup by 4pm on pickup days

NE: Cully

NE 59th and Failing St.

SE: Sellwood-Moreland

SE 9th and Bidwell St.

NE: Woodlawn

NE 10th and Claremont Ave.

VF’s Scholarship Fund

The farm has started a scholarship fund to raise funds that go towards purchasing half or whole shares for individuals in financial need of fresh and nutritious produce. Donations can be made in any amount and will be pooled together at the beginning of each season to partially or fully subsidize shares for members in need. Click the donate button below if you are able to contribute to the fund. Thank you!



What can I expect in a typical share?

Shares will vary depending on the time of year. I plan to grow 90+ different varieties of vegetables and herbs so you can expect the share to be quite diverse from one week to the next. Some examples shares are listed below:

Late Spring

1 bunch parsley, 1 bunch spinach, 1 bunch radishes, 1 lb. fresh onions, 1 bunch hakurei turnips, 1 bok choi, 2 kohlrabi, 1 bunch mustard greens, and 1 bunch swiss chard

Mid Summer

1 head of garlic, 1 bunch carrots, 1 head of lettuce, 1/2 lb. bush beans, 1 bunch basil, 3 cucumbers, 1 pint cherry tomatoes, 3 sweet peppers, and 2 zucchini

Mid Fall

1 bunch arugula, 1 bunch radish, 1 bunch scallions, 1 bunch of turnips, 1 head napa cabbage, 1 bunch broccoli, 1 bunch carrots, 1 bunch kale, 2 kohlrabi, 1 head radicchio, and 3 peppers

What if I am out of town for a week and am unable to pick up my share for that week?

If you are unable to pick up your share for a week, you can have a friend or family member pick up the share in your place. Alternatively, you can contact the farm prior to the week you are away and I will be sure to not pack a share for you that week.

If I need to leave the CSA mid-way through the season, is the share refundable?

Once you have signed up for the CSA, payment is non-refundable. However, if you find that you can no longer pick up your shares mid-way through the season you can transfer your share over to someone else.

What are your farming practices?

Although the farm is not Certified Organic, no synthetic herbicides or pesticides are used on the farm. The farm’s focus is also to promote the health of the soil while also creating a habit for beneficial insects. This is achieved by minimally tilling the soil, balancing soil nutrients by adding soil ammendments, always keeping the soil covered with cover crops and mulches, and planting a wide diversity of plants including flowering species that attract benecial insects.