Welcome to Vicolo Farm

An Urban Farm in Portland’s Cully Neighborhood

Feeding the community through a 24-week CSA since 2023

Vicolo Farm is comprised of roughly a quarter acre of land that is subleased from Cully Neighborhood Farm. The farm focuses on sustainable farming practices, heirloom seed varieties, and varieties of vegetables and herbs that have been bred specifically for our climate here in the Pacific Northwest. Food is distributed across the Portland area to restaurants and through a CSA program that runs from June to November.

🌲 The Land

Vicolo Farm sits on a 1-acre plot of land in the Cully Neighborhood that is shared with Cully Neighborhood Farm headed by Josh Volk and Hoverfly Flower Farm operated by Sarah Fry. This unofficial farm collective would not be possible without the willingness of the land owner, Trinity Lutheran Church and School, to promote healthier communities through hyperlocal and ecological farming practices.

👨‍🌾 The Farmer

Vicolo Farm is run predominantly by me, Sam Callero. My interest in growing food can be traced back to the period when I was attending the University of Oregon from 2006- 10. While earning a degree in Environmental Studies, I began learning about the politics of food, the injustices of our food system, and the solutions presented by farming with integrity. I also attended the urban farming course at the school’s on-campus farm, where I learned my very first gardening/farming skills. After graduating and being disenchanted by various office jobs, I decided to take the leap into farming by completing Clackamas Community College’s Organic Farming program. Since completing the program, I have worked on multiple small farms and market gardens in the Portland area. In 2020, I returned to school once again and earned a Master's in Nutrition at the National University of Natural Medicine in SW Portland. With this degree, I intend to one day offer nutrition and cooking classes for individuals from marginalized communities through my farm business.

🤌 🇮🇹 The Name

In Italian, the word vicolo translates to alley. In the US, alleyways don’t tend to be the most attractive places but in Italy, they can be much more than just conduits between larger streets. While studying abroad in central Italy in the fall of 2007, I was introduced to the magical nature of a vicolo. The use of space within these Italian alleyways was something to behold. Cafes, bars, restaurants, and outdoor produce markets could all be found cohabiting these narrow roads, yet nothing felt congested. These Italian alleys represent resourcefulness and efficient use of space in an urban setting as well as aesthetic beauty. All of these traits embody the foundation and vision of my small farm. The name of my farm is also an homage to my Italian heritage and my ancestors who left Italy in search of opportunity in America. One of my intentions with this farm is to promote and preserve the cultural practices surrounding slow food that are common not just in Italian culture but in many other cultures around the world.